Working with Fusion
With over 2 and a half million private landlords in the UK, why rely only on your individual buying power?
As the largest buying group for private landlords in the UK, LNPG have combined the power of over 5,000 landlords to negotiate fantastic prices with major national suppliers through the power of contract pricing.
Every major aspect of the typical refurbishment is covered – everything from kitchens, bathrooms, and paint through to flooring, boilers, and building materials can be secured for less on LNPG’s pre-negotiated terms, as well as many related services.
We are happy to say Fusion are one of the longest established LNPG partner suppliers, having worked alongside Nick and the team now for many years. The collaboration has assisted many landlords to achieve their property ambitions
Special Discounts
LNPG members receive a special discount across all our product ranges.
One-Stop Solution
LNPG members receive one-stop solution for furniture and accessories that lasts, at an affordable price.
Nationwide Delivery
We offer all LNPG members a nationwide delivery service, assembly and installation (usually within 7 days).

Minimum 3 year warranty
All our products have a minimum 3 year warranty, with the exception of mattresses, mattress protectors and TV’s, which range from 12-18 months. Many products have warranties longer than 3 years – please refer to the Product Descriptions.
Minimum Orders
No minimum order size (although charges are sometimes applied to smaller orders depending on location).
All furniture conforms to UK Residential Fire Safety Standards (CRIB 5 also available upon request).

Buying Instructions
- Your account was set up at the time you joined LNPG. Simply call one of the team at Fusion on 01565 723 156 or email on sales@fusionfurniture.co.uk with your LNPG membership number in the subject to order or to ask any questions.
- Fusion will call you to discuss your inquiry and confirm the quote details within 24 hours.
- If you need any specific advice on a furniture package to see if it is suitable for your project just call us Monday-Friday between 09:00 and 17:00 to discuss your requirements.
- The Showroom is closed on weekends and public holidays.
Delivery and Installation
- Orders under £2000 +VAT will be subject to a maximum delivery charge of £99 depending on location.
- All orders are supplied, delivered, and installed within 10-15 business days when available.
- We can collect the keys from you/your letting agent if within a reasonable distance of the delivery location, but access via site contact or lockbox is preferred.
- All orders are supplied and installed, and all packaging is taken away.
- Old items can be removed from £25 +VAT per item.
- UK Mainland covered – Islands and Ireland please ask for details.

Ways to pay
- Please ensure that your delivery address is to a property registered on your LNPG membership.
- Payment is by debit or credit card or bank transfer. There is no minimum order size.
- Spread the cost over 36 months with competitive Lease Finance Rates – this is direct to a 3rd party lender and is offered subject to status.
- Always include your LNPG membership number in all correspondence.
- Please make sure that the furniture you order, fits inside your property as there is a re-stocking fee for returned products.
- Please also make sure that the property is ready and free of tradesman on the day of the install. There is a £499 +VAT charge for a re-delivery service.
Competitive Pricing
We have our Standard Individual Prices, Package Deal Prices and then we have LNPG prices!
LNPG customers get a 20% off the advertised prices
Example LNPG Deal Package:
- 6 x faux leather double beds (no storage) with matching headboard
- 6 x semi-orthopaedic mattress
- 6 x double wardrobes with mirror
- 6 x 3 drawer chests
- 6 x 2 drawer bedsides
Price: £4,770 +VAT
LNPG Member Price: £3,816 +VAT
Cobden Mill
Gower Street
Bolton, BL4 7HA
Company Reg. No.: 05455720
VAT: 860681905